I want to be quoted to have said that is for two set of people. The successful
and the unsuccessful. That I would be successful is not a thing of the mouth
but a conviction comes to the mind and put into reality. I have seen so many people struggle in life to
succeed. They do everything possible to be successful. To them success depends
only on the amount of hardwork they can put into their work. This set of people
in their chosen fields. But it is sad that they don’t get the required result.
There is another set of people who believe success is meant only for certain
classes of people. This set of people believes they cannot and will never
achieve success no matter how hard they try. To them their names have been
removed from the success book.
successful person is somebody who has been able to achieve an aim, fame, wealth
or social position. A successful person is somebody who has been able to start
a project and see it to the end and should be guided quite a number of people
to bring their own project into completion. Success is one of the cheapest commodities
you can get to buy in the market only if you have the right negotiating skills.
You bargain for whatever kind of success you want. Whether short term or long
term because there is a thin line between hope and fear. While the foolish
allow fear to weaken them, the wise take advantage of the lesson that is learnt
between consequence and circumstance and keep how alive. The difference between
a successful person and others is not necessary lack of strength or knowledge
but rather a lack of will.
successful man always looks for opportunities where others see nothing. They
find a lesson while others only see a problem. They are solution focused
because they consciously and methodically create their own success, while
others hope success will find them. I always know that the successful mind is
as fearful like everyone else, but they are not controlled or limited by fear.
They ask right questions- the ones which put them in a productive, creative,
positive mindset and emotional state. We gain strength, courage and confident
by every experience when we stop to look fear in the face. We must do the
things which we think we cannot do. Fear cripples more than physical presence
of danger. If you want to develop courage dare to do the things you fear and
keep on doing them until you have a record of successful experiences behind
you. That is a sure way to conquer fear. You can conquer almost any fear if you
will make up your mind to do so. Remember, fear does not exist in the mind of
the one who fears.
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look at the reality between hope and fear. I t does not help to keep looking at
your fears, focus on your hopes and dreams. Think not about your frustration,
concentrate on your potentials, concern yourself not with what you tried and
failed in, but with what it is possible for you to do. Be busy, productive and
proactive. Lie on your couch, planning, over – thinking, sit on your hands and
generally go around in circle and get the job done. For a man to be successful,
align yourself with like minded people. Understand the importance of team work
and create a win-win relationship. It is better you innovate rather than
failed in life, many would still fail and many are still failing all because
they did not have important decisions. They don’t deal with problems and challenges
quickly and effectively, they put their head in the sand. They run away from
risk and never improve their selves and at the end of the day, they blame
everyone and everything but themselves for their failure. The failed to
understand that between hoping times and worrying days there is a yawning gap.
True there are times when things happen which will have no control over but
those are the times when we stand up and clinch to our hopes. Blaming others
however, make us bitter, confused and angry. This weakens us. While many people
are pleasure junkies and avoid pain and discomfort at all costs, successful people
understand the value and benefits of working through the tough stuff that most
would avoid. They have balance. They may be financially successful, they know
the terms money and success are not interchangeable. They understand that
people who are on a financial level only, are not successful at all.
Unfortunately we live in a society which teaches that money equals success.
Like many other things, money is a tool. It’s just another resource. Unfortunately,
too many people worship it. Understanding the importance of discipline and self
control is a key and a way to be travelled by.
real world is upon us has long as we have breadth in us. We would be in vain to
ignore this because pride and precedent cannot over shadow reasoning. There is
no easy path to glory. There is no easy road to fame. Life, however we may view
it, is no simple parlour game, to enjoy its reward you have to fight, endure
and the main generally rugged. I used to think that the best shot at success
lay in avoiding challenges and seeing failure as an enemy but I have learnt
that when a man continues to hope and fear failure, he would remain obscure.
things happen under the sun, but how sad we settle for second best and live
lives of mediocrity – all because we refuse to search within us and come up
with what is refuse to search within us and come up with what is buried. So,
what do we see? People pretend they do not need ‘much’ money when they do; some
say that they can manage any job but we crave for better. We become mendicants.
What a wasted live!
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year in Advance...........Whyte Habeeb Ibidapo
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